I've not been in many car accidents in my lifetime, no heart-stopping t-bone on the highway. I'm not a fighter, but I fight. I'm not a singer, but I still sing. I can barely play my guitar, but that doesn't stop me from playing. I'm learning all the time, and sometimes I learn that a lesson isn't worth the effort, or maybe that the lesson isn't a priority right now. I've done a lot of learning throughout the last two years in particular; I've lost a friend through murder, lost another through a house fire. I did some regrettable things within the last few years; a couple of which I don't believe should be forgiven. I've lied to people recently, but I've come clean to them all as time went by. One thing I learned about lying is that each and every lie changes something about you. You might not feel it the day of, or even months after, but you'll feel it eventually; they always catch up with you.
On a happier note, I've been practicing to play "Better Version" by Shinedown, I can only claim an amateur grasp of the song, my fingers aren't as quick as they need to be. For players out there, take a look at the tabs, they can be found Here It's a brilliant song, deep lyrics that I wish I'd written. It's only fair to pay credit to where it's owed; my inspirations for ever plucking a string include (but are not limited to) The Doors, The Who, The Beatles, Disturbed, 3 Doors Down and others.
I'm starting my French lessons again, mainly to prove my brother wrong; he seems to think I'm not up to it. French would be my 3rd foreign language of study, preceded by Spanish and German. Music itself can open your ears to a whole variety of worlds as far as language is concerned. Example 1 , Example 2, and Example 3 Each of these examples is in a different language, languages that I have studied in school or on my own.
My hope is that this week you can open your doors to something new, whether it's something small, reading a book to learn something. Taking up an instrument and seeing what it does to you. Or maybe just finding something foreign that you can enjoy and maybe even seek more of.
Cruising for a Cruising
3 weeks ago